SERRC offers school counseling services via distance delivery, with optional site visits. Districts can contract for the time and services they need from an experienced, licensed school counselor.
Direct counseling services
SERRC offers counseling services delivered directly to students, informed by Alaska's Trauma Engaged Framework, Alaska Safe Children's Act and cultural context of the community.
SEL content delivery to whole classrooms
Standards-based and developmentally appropriate Social - Emotional Learning includes topics:
- Growth Mindset & Goal Setting (K - 5)
- Emotion Management (K - 5)
- Empathy & Kindness (K - 5)
- Problem Solving (K - 5)
- Mindsets & Goals (6 - 8)
- Recognizing Bullying & Harassment (6 - 8)
- Thoughts, Emotions, & Decisions (6 - 8)
- Managing Relationships & Social Conflict (6 - 8)
- Healthy Relationships (7 - 12)
Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Small group direct counseling
Direct counseling for groups of 6 of fewer students, covering topics including:
- Mental health and wellness
- Academic goals
- Family relationships
- Decision making models
- Peer relationships
- Healthy choices
Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Individual direct counseling
One-to-one counseling, covering topics including:
- Mental health and wellness
- Academic goals
- Family relationships
- Decision making models
- Peer relationships
- Healthy choices
- Career / Post Secondary options
Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Indirect counseling services
SERRC offers services that include consultation, collaboration and advocacy.
Staff collaboration and consultation
- Provide staff support on topics of mental wellness, behavior management systems, classroom accommodations, school safety and preventative work, among similar topics
- Professional development on topics of mental wellness, trauma-informed practice, restorative practices, SEL supports, and similar topics
School staff
Parent consultation and communication
- Provide appropriate resources, trainings and information on SEL curriculum
- Provide parents with information on developmentally appropriate mental health and well being resources
- Attend IEP and Section 504 meetings, as requested
Community partnerships
- Partnership with community mental health resources
- Referrals to community-based and/or therapeutic counseling services outside the school system
- Partnership with school safety related community resources