Working closely with the Department of Education, Bureau of Indian Education, and the Office of Indian Education, SERRC assists districts in developing grant applications, writing annual reports, and modifying grants as necessary to meet program requirements.
Grant Applications
Prepare project applications in conjunction with district designated staff in accordance with specific grant requirements. Submit applications to the district for review and approval, and submission to granting agencies.
Grant Modifications
Prepare grant modifications as necessary and requested during the course of the project year.
Annual Reports
Prepare narrative reports (not financial reports) required by the granting agency and/or as identified in the project application.
ESEA Pre-Compliance Monitoring
Helps to ensure the district is in compliance with the use of ESEA funds and program implementation prior to monitoring.

We developed a wonderful partnership with SERRC and their dedication to our District is evident on all aspects. We appreciate their attention to detail, professionalism and customer support. SERRC was able to work with us to create efficient and effective ways to support our District.

Experienced SERRC staff can assist with the following programs:
- Title I, Part A – Programs for educationally disadvantaged children in attendance areas with high concentration of low-income families.
- Title I, Part C – Migrant Education program to meet the educational needs of children of migratory workers.
- Title II, Part A – Program to increase student achievement by improving the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals and other school leaders.
- Title III, Part A – English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement. Helps ensure English learners attain English proficiency and develop high levels of academic achievement in English.
- Title IV, Subpart 1 – Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants. Program to improve students’ academic achievement by increasing capacity to provide access to a well-rounded education, improve school conditions for student learning and improve the use of technology.
- Title V – Flexibility and Accountability. Program that enables flexibility to target funds to the programs and activities that most address unique needs of States and localities.
- Title V, Subpart 1 – Small, Rural School Achievement Program. Program that enables the flexible use of funds to support activities under Title I Part A, Title II Part A, Title III, Title IV Part A or B.
- Title VI – Indian Education – Formula grants designed to assist local educational agencies to meet the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of American Indian and Alaska Native students.
- Carl Perkins Career and Technical Education (CTE) Grant – Formula grant that helps develop the academic and career and technical skills of secondary students who enroll in CTE programs.
- Johnson O’Malley – Grants from the Bureau of Indian Education to provide supplemental programs for Native American students.
- Quality Schools – Program to increase student performance and standards implementation.