Raven Writes Summer Writing Seminar

SERRC has partnered with Sealaska Heritage Institute to provide professional development in best practices for writing instruction, culturally responsive teaching strategies and culturally relevant writing curriculum for the Juneau School District. SHI and SERRC are offering a Summer Writing Seminar for Juneau School District elementary school teachers, coinciding with the Raven Writes Traditional Native Foods Camp for Alaska Native elementary school students.
Teachers will develop lesson plans integrating the professional development topics and work directly with students for one hour each afternoon. Teachers that participate in the seminar will have opportunities for follow-up training in the next school year and to work closely with a JSD Raven Writes writing coach to implement culturally relevant and responsive writing curriculum based on best practices.
A $3,000 stipend will be paid to each teacher that satisfactorily completes the seminar. Teachers will also have an option to take the seminar for three credit hours through the University of Alaska Southeast. There will be reading assignments and reflections as homework.
Raven Writes is a Sealaska Heritage education program funded by the US Department of Education. Raven Writes: Summer Writing Seminar is offered through a partnership with SERRC and the Juneau School District.
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