Mature Alaskans Seeking Skills Training
The MASST program, federally known as the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), provides training and part-time paid job training positions for low income, unemployed individuals age 55 and older who need assistance to become job-ready.
The program helps Alaska retain the valuable resources of older workers while enabling older workers to maintain an independent lifestyle and make meaningful contributions to their communities.
Participants receive assistance with job skills training, job search training, and placement into unsubsidized employment while in the program.
Become a MASST Participant
MASST is an opportunity to learn while you earn. MASST will consider your occupational goals and find a non-profit, government agency or Native organization in the community where you can train and serve.
MASST participants normally serve 20 hours a week and earn minimum wage. You’ll meet new people, and we are confident you’ll find your experience to be exciting and educational.
The ultimate goal of the MASST program is for seniors to develop skills and find unsubsidized employment. MASST partners with the Department of Labor Job Center to help search for regular employment.

"I want to thank you for everything: My training, your confidence in me, and being there for me. I am now moving on and up! Gunalchéesh ho ho (Thank you very much - Tlingit).”

Host a MASST participant
MASST placements can be made with non-profits, governmental agencies or Native organizations who find value in the contributions of older Alaskans in the workplace.
Participants serve an average of 20 hours and are paid by the MASST program. The role of a host organization is to provide a work experience where participants can learn and hone their skills while contributing to their community.
Placements are supported by regional coordinators.
Refer a MASST Participant
The MASST program counts on referrals from community partners. If your organization provides services to an older Alaskan who meets program criteria of being 55 years or older and experiencing unemployment, low income or other barriers, we encourage you to share information about the MASST program with your client. Your client will have the opportunity to work with a regional coordinator, who will assist with host site placement and support.
MASST materials and resources
Fairbanks Job Center
675 7th Ave, Station B
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Mat-Su Job Center
877 W. Commercial Drive
Wasilla, AK 99654
Kenai Job Service
11312 Kenai Spur HWY,
Ste. 2
Kenai, AK 99611
The Learning Connection
210 Ferry Way
Juneau, AK 99801